The Edges of Lean explores topics in continuous improvement (lean thinking, creative problem solving, six sigma) that get overlooked. Meet the people practicing lean in odd places or with different twists, always with a focus on respect for people and continuous learning.

Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Ep 126 Getting to the Root Causes of Your Limiting Beliefs with Jeeva Sam
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
When I was first working, one of the early lessons imparted to me was that whatever happened at home was not pertinent to my work life. That has been a difficult lesson for me to unlearn. It was one of many limiting beliefs that I wasn’t even aware I was carrying into my lean and continuous improvement work. Jeeva Sam joined me at the Edges of Lean to share his insights into some of the limiting beliefs that hold us back and what we can do about them.
Jeeva Sam
Jeeva Sam is a seasoned pastor turned advisor and mentor specializing in helping individuals and couples navigate through challenges in their personal and professional lives. With over 35 years of experience as a pastor and has led numerous individuals to achieve personal and professional growth, Jeeva uses his spiritual background to guide clients toward self-awareness and relationship harmonization. Based in Canada, Jiva has a unique approach to counseling and mentorship that focuses on addressing limiting beliefs, fostering healthy mindsets, and enhancing communication skills.
00:00:01 Getting to the Root Causes of Limiting Beliefs
00:05:57 Addressing Relational Stress to Improve Workplace Productivity
00:10:59 The Importance of Inner Work for Personal and Professional Success
00:16:29 Exploring Childhood Influences on Adult Behavior and Relationships
00:25:24 Reprogramming Beliefs Through Positive Affirmations and Supportive Company
00:28:49 The Importance of Coaches, Mentors, and Accountability Groups
00:30:08 Couples Masterminds and Gender-Specific Mentorship in Business
00:33:51 The Importance of Mentorship and Coaching for Young Entrepreneurs
- Identifying and addressing limiting beliefs is crucial for personal and professional development.
- Relational stress can significantly impact productivity and effectiveness in the workplace.
- Acknowledging the influence of childhood experiences on behavior is essential for self-awareness.
- Cultivating positive beliefs and affirmations can lead to a mindset shift and improved outcomes.
- Seeking mentorship and coaching early on can provide valuable insights and support for growth.
Memorable Quotes From Jeeva Sam
“Replace unhealthy beliefs with positive affirmations to reprogram your mindset for success."
"Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and challenge you to grow beyond your limitations."
Website: https://thesams.ca/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeevasam/
Titter/X: https://x.com/jeevasam

Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Ep 125 You Can’t Do Lean Here, Customer Development Edition with Danny Nathan
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Lean practitioners often discuss the importance of delivering value to customers and understanding their needs. However, Danny Nathan takes this to a new level with his unique approach to lean customer development. His business is a testament to this. Intrigued by his methods, I invited him to join me on a journey to the Edges of Lean, where he shared his insights and practices.
Danny Nathan:
Danny is a versatile entrepreneur who has made a name for himself by helping companies create and launch new products and ventures. With a background in various fields like product design, marketing, and strategy, Danny is known for his ability to solve complex business challenges. As the founder of Apollo 21, a company that combines business consultancy, product design, and venture studio, Danny helps companies foster innovation, drive growth, and overcome obstacles to scaling by developing cutting-edge technology.
00:02:59 - Transition from Acting to Technology
00:04:14 - Types of Products Developed by Apollo 21
00:10:42 - Challenges with Misunderstanding MVP
00:12:02 - Lean Customer Development Explained
00:13:14 - Importance of Validating Customer Needs
00:18:13 - Learning from Customer Development
00:20:04 - Identifying Ideal Customer Groups
00:21:34 - Process of Customer Interviews
00:26:24 - Creating Conviction Through Learning
00:27:00 - Differentiating Apollo 21's Approach
00:29:13 - Ensuring Against Post-Launch Failure
00:30:37 - Customer Observation Techniques
00:39:06 - Handling Multiple Stakeholders
00:40:17 - Heuristic vs. Data-Driven Processes
- Lean customer development is about discovering the purest pain point and validating the need, potential solution, and willingness of customers to pay for it before building anything.
- The focus should be on delivering value to the customer and understanding their needs.
- Lean customer development helps streamline the process of bridging the gap between discovery and minimum viable product (MVP).
- The concept of an MVP has evolved and can be interpreted differently by different organizations.
- The goal of an MVP is to learn as quickly as possible, mitigate risk, and minimize cost and time expenditure.
- Innovation is great, but it is crucial to innovate something that is valuable to the customer and that they are willing to buy.
- Lean Startup provides a clear-cut series of actions to move towards creating something new, but it is vital to adapt and customize the methodology to fit specific needs.
- Lean customer development involves talking to customers, asking the right questions, and gaining a clear understanding of their pain points and needs.
- The process starts with defining the problem space and then talking to a wide range of people to discover pain points and potential solutions.
Memorable Quotes From Danny Nathan::
“Fall in love with the problem and not the solution.”
CONNECT WITH Danny Nathan::
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amongmany/
Website: https://apollo21.io

Monday Jun 10, 2024
Ep 124 Continuously Improving Your Dissertation with Dr. Jen Harrison
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Have you earned an advanced degree? What was the dissertation process like for you? Have you thought about going back to school for a PhD? Are you wondering how to succeed and come out of the process with new knowledge, ready for your next challenge, and with your continuous improvement skills and self-confidence honed? Dr. Jen Harrison works with students as a dissertation coach, and she joined me at the Edges of Lean to share the pitfalls and the keys to success with researching and writing your dissertation, all while becoming more collaborative.
Jen Harrison
Dr. Jen Harrison is a highly experienced dissertation coach with a Ph.D. in Children’s and Victorian Literature from Aberystwyth University in Wales, UK. Over the past decade, she has successfully coached and supervised first-generation, ESL, and non-traditional students in the UK and USA, helping many achieve first-class degrees. Dr. Harrison's expertise extends to providing support in writing, research design, motivation, and research methods. As the CEO of Read.Write.Perfect., she utilizes her background in secondary school English teaching, private tutoring, and experience in nursery and primary schools to offer exceptional writing and research services.
00:02:02 - Transition to Dissertation Coaching
00:03:07 - Role of a Dissertation Coach
00:04:45 - Misalignment in Graduate Programs
00:06:21 - Field Non-Specific Coaching
00:08:29 - Pressure and Personal Stories
00:11:02 - Academic Year and Deadlines
00:15:31 - Realizing Misalignment with Goals
00:18:14 - Coachability of Students
00:20:14 - Applying Classroom Teaching Skills
00:25:13 - Differences Between US and UK Academia
00:32:21 - Advocating for Proper Supervision
- Set boundaries with your program and supervisor early on and stick to them.
- Build a strong support network of friends, family, and resources to help you through the process.
- Understand your why - know your purpose and goals for pursuing a graduate degree.
- Seek feedback and ensure you receive constructive feedback that helps you improve.
- Take time for self-care and prioritize your mental health throughout the process.
- Be proactive in advocating for what you need from your supervisor and program.
- Prepare for the transition after completing your dissertation by identifying your next steps and finding something to be excited about.
- Reflect on the structure and expectations of your program and adjust accordingly to meet your needs.
- Remember that resilience and perseverance are keys to navigating the challenges of a graduate degree.
Memorable Quotes From Jen Harrison
“Have a network, establish your network early on, and that doesn't just mean the people in your institution.”
Website: https://readwriteperfect.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-harrison-769a89172/
Titter/X: https://twitter.com/perfect_write
Free Call for Podcast Listeners: https://calendly.com/readwriteperfect/back-on-track-coaching-consultation-podcasts

Wednesday May 01, 2024
Ep 123 You Can’t Do Lean Here: Pharma Marketing Edition with Tirrell Payton
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Here at the edges of Lean, I love to talk with people who have taken Lean thinking into spaces far from the shop floor. Tirrell Payton is a lean thinker bringing lean to pharmaceutical marketing – a highly regulated, people-focused business area and one of the places where people are very likely to say, “You can’t do lean here!”. He joined me at the Edges of Lean to discuss why and how he does it.
Tirrell Payton
Tirrell Payton is a dynamic and compelling individual who brings energy and storytelling to any platform. As the leader of Nooma Group Consulting, Tirrell combines southern charm with strategic expertise honed at Kellogg. With a deep understanding of the realities and constraints of business and drug development, Tirrell and his team drive impactful transformation through innovation in large organizations. Tirrell specializes in bringing a fresh perspective to complex topics such as agility and transformation, organizational development, leadership and change management, management consulting, pharma (clinical operations, marketing), and entrepreneurship.
00:00:32 Bringing lean thinking to pharmaceutical marketing
00:03:49 Challenges of applying agile in regulated industries
00:08:04 Insights into the tendencies of the pharma industry
00:10:13 The challenges of not considering humans in decision-making
00:11:53 Shifting from software to the pharma industry
00:15:01 The importance of understanding regulations
00:23:12 Challenges in pharmaceutical marketing
00:28:09 Bringing people together post-pandemic
00:33:06 Lack of focus on outcomes versus activities
00:37:34 Applying scientific thinking across the company
00:43:28 Attributes of successful leaders
- The pandemic has disrupted collaboration and created social isolation, making it harder for teams to prioritize and work effectively.
- Building a sense of community and belonging within the organization is crucial for productivity and performance.
- Many marketers focus on activities and outputs rather than driving outcomes and impacts.
- Defining and measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) for outcomes can be a struggle in marketing.
- Leaders in the pharma industry need to model the behavior they want to see, demonstrate empathy, and invite people to the journey.
- Software alone is insufficient to solve organizational problems. Cultural systems and disciplined processes are necessary.
- Young professionals should prioritize developing strong writing skills and empathy, as these qualities can set them apart and enhance their thinking and communication abilities.
Memorable Quotes From Tirrell Payton
"Learn to write. Learning to write forces you to clarify your thinking, and it makes you a better thinker.”
CONNECT WITH Tirrell Payton
Website: https://www.noomagroup.com/leadership/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tirrellpayton/

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Ep 122 The Stories We Tell with Aurora Winter
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
We have been looking at different aspects of communication here at the Edges of Lean, and one aspect I wanted to explore more was the neuroscience of communication. Creative entrepreneur, writer, and coach Aurora Winter joins me to bring insight on that topic and highlight the power of stories.
Aurora Winter
Aurora Winter is a successful entrepreneur, bestselling author, TV writer-producer, and founder of SamePagePublishing.com. With expertise in film and neuroscience, Aurora helps people craft impactful stories that boost brands, books, and businesses. Winner of the Outstanding Nonfiction Book of the Year Award, her book "Turn Words Into Wealth" reveals seven ways to generate seven figures. She emphasizes the power of words to elevate income, impact, and influence. Passionate about meaningful discussions and valuable content creation, Aurora covers various topics, including the neuroscience of communication, marketing, pivoting, creating multiple income streams, turning books into movies, writing fiction and nonfiction, publishing, and more.
00:00:14 - Exploring the Neuroscience of Communication
00:00:58 - Aurora Winter's Background and Journey
00:08:34 - Addressing the Midbrain in Communication
00:14:34 - The Power of Stories in Communication
00:20:40 - Impact of Stories on Belonging and Meaning
00:27:13 - Stories as Tools for Change and Inspiration
00:36:51 - Where to Find Aurora Winter Online
00:41:54 - Advice for Young People Starting Out
- Communication is a powerful tool that can significantly impact productivity and profitability.
- The midbrain, which is responsible for social connection and belonging, should also be addressed by highlighting the value of the message to others.
- Stories are a powerful tool in communication as they convey values and provide meaning to the audience.
- Opening a presentation with a question or half of a story can create interest and engagement from the audience.
- Fiction, particularly science fiction, can shape and change the world by introducing new ideas and perspectives.
- When starting any endeavor, it is vital to follow your interests and passions, explore different opportunities, and always look for beauty in every situation.
Memorable Quotes From Aurora Winter
"Stories teach values, and science provides information."
CONNECT WITH Aurora Winter
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aurorawinter/
Website: https://www.aurorawinter.com/
1. www.turnwordsintowealth.com
2. www.magicmysteryandthemultiverse.com

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Ep 121 Continuously Improving Persuasion with Carlos Alvarenga
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
I believe lean thinking is the best way to manage a business and develop people. Even though I have much experience and many great examples to share, it does not mean I am always successful in persuading people. Carlos Alvarenga is a communications researcher who has delved into what it takes to be persuasive. He joined me at the Edges of Lean to talk about his new book: “The Rules of Persuasion,” and to explain why persuasion is a skill we can all learn.
Carlos Alvarenga
Carlos A. Alvarenga is an independent communications researcher, writer, and coach. With a background in management consulting and academia, he has worked as an adjunct professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business and as the Executive Director of World 50 Labs. Carlos is pursuing a Ph.D. in Communications and Rhetoric at the University of Maryland. Carlos resides in Bethesda, MD, with his wife, a physician/researcher, and they have two sons. His diverse experiences and educational background contribute to his expertise in effective communication strategies.
00:01:10 - Carlos's Background and Current Work
00:07:41 - The Elements of Character in Persuasion
00:11:34 - The Elements of Argument in Persuasion
00:12:19 - The Importance of Sequence in Presentations
00:14:27 - The Role of Emotion in Group Dynamics
00:22:50 - The Seven Kinds of Emotion in Persuasion
00:25:34 - The Importance of Emotion in Persuasion
00:33:36 - The Importance of Safety in Lean Transformation
00:37:14 - The Different Audiences in Persuasion
00:39:37 - The Dangers of Persuasion in the Wrong Hands
00:43:45 - Applying Persuasion in One-on-One Interactions
00:47:07 - Advice for Young Professionals
- Persuasion is a skill that can be learned and developed by anyone.
- Persuasion is different from influence and manipulation.
- The three modes of persuasion are character, argument, and emotion.
- Character includes elements like status, origin, language, style, categories, and associations.
- Arguments include elements like logic, evidence, witnesses, authorities, laws, and standards.
- Understanding the chemistry of persuasion can help in crafting effective messages.
- The order and sequence of elements in persuasion are crucial for success.
Memorable Quotes From Carlos Alvarenga
"If your ideas walk out the door with you at night, if your projects would die if you quit tomorrow, you haven't persuaded anyone.”
CONNECT WITH Carlos Alvarenga
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlos-alvarenga/
Website: https://www.carlosalvarenga.com/

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Ep 120 Communication as a Lean Process with Geoff Weinstein
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
How much time are you spending every day on communication? How effective and efficient is your communication? We live in a swirl of communication – email, instant messages, text messages, and social media posts. And sometimes we even talk to each other! Geoff Weinstein says communication is a real “Edges of the Lean” frontier – one of the places where we can all leverage lean thinking to reduce waste and improve our lives. He joined me at The Edges of Lean to discuss lean communication – and by the way, he has gifts for you that you can download at http://geoffweinstein.com/gifts
Geoff Weinstein:
Geoff Weinstein is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in serving the financial industry. He specializes in regulated industries where individuals struggle to articulate their ideas. Geoff's expertise lies in helping busy leaders align company culture with AI and digital transformation strategies. He works directly with clients to streamline broken communication processes, emphasizing the importance of clear, concise, and influential communication. Geoff's mission is to make lean communication the standard in workplace communication, enabling organizations to thrive in the fast-paced world of digital transformation.
00:01:00 - Geoff Weinstein's Background and Public Speaking
00:07:04 - The Mid-Office Communication Role
00:12:37 - Defining Lean Communication
00:15:21 - Communication as a Two-Way Process
00:18:14 - The Importance of Audience-Focused Communication
00:20:34 - Typical Communication Issues in Organizations
00:25:03 - The Evolution of Email Communication
00:27:20 - The Fear of Missing Out in Communication
00:30:23 - Crafting Effective Group Emails
00:35:15 - Example of a Power Paragraph
00:38:27 - Empathy in Communication
00:47:18 - Advice for Young Professionals
- Lean communication involves stripping out stumbling blocks that prevent the recipient from understanding the message.
- Lean communication focuses on getting the message across quickly and concisely.
- Email is a common area where waste occurs in communication, such as unnecessary CCs and reply calls.
- Lean communication requires thinking about the value of the message and who truly needs to receive it.
- The length of an email should be kept concise, with a power paragraph summarizing the context, problem, and solution.
- Empathy and understanding the audience's pain points are crucial in lean communication.
- Lean leaders should also focus on effective communication and provide value to their teams.
- Face-to-face communication and presentation skills are important areas to develop for lean professionals.
CONNECT WITH Geoff Weinstein:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoffweinstein
Website: https://www.geoffweinstein.com/

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Ep 119 Continuously Improving Trust on Your Team with George Dom
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
As lean leaders, we understand that trust is a key component of an effective and efficient culture. George Dom spent years in high-performance environments where trust was not just a nice to have, but it was necessary to assure that the entire team succeeded – and survived! He has joined me at the Edges of Lean to share his insights into developing trust in every environment by being a high-trust leader.
George Dom
George Dom, founder of the High-Trust Leadership Network, is a former naval officer and aviator with extensive leadership experience. He has served in key positions in high-performance organizations, including commanding aircraft carrier fighter squadrons and leading air wings on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and USS John F. Kennedy. Dom has also been an instructor and pilot at the Navy Fighter Weapons School (Topgun) and commanded the Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron. Today, he is a respected business aviation manager, speaker, and leadership consultant to Fortune 500 corporations, private companies, and individuals. Dom believes that achieving high performance, both individually and collectively, requires High-Trust Leadership and Focused Engagement. This principle applies not only in sports, the military, and medical teams, but also in the business world.
00:00:21 - George's Background and High-Trust Leadership
00:03:52 - The Importance of Trust in Organizations
00:08:15 - Building Trust Among Thousands of Crew Members
00:10:28 - The Five Questions of Trustworthiness
00:17:44 - The Second Pillar of Trust: Commitment
00:24:28 - The Fifth Pillar of Trust: Communication
00:26:55 - The Role of Debriefing in Continuous Improvement
00:32:23 - The Importance of Understanding Your Team
00:37:28 - The Debriefing Process and Vulnerability
00:39:50 - The Necessity of Clear Communication
00:43:16 - Adapting Connection in Remote Work Environments
00:44:51 - The Challenge of Remote Communication
00:47:56 - Ensuring Message Clarity and Reception
00:51:24 - The Impact of Trust Beyond Safety
00:52:16 - Advice for Young People Starting Out
- Trust is built on vulnerability, dependability, and mutual support in both aviation and business settings.
- Trust is a strategic imperative that requires continuous effort and attention.
- Trustworthiness is evaluated based on behavior, not just intentions.
- The five pillars of trust include character, commitment, competence, connection, and communication.
- Character involves walking the talk and living up to shared values.
- Commitment is about being present and leading through challenges.
- Competence is important but secondary to character and commitment.
- Connection is about understanding team members and building strong relationships.
- Communication is the key to ensuring understanding and clarity in interactions.
Memorable Quotes From George Dom
“Communication requires clarity, conciseness, and consistency.”
Website: https://georgedom.com/

Friday Mar 15, 2024
Ep 118 Iterating Your Way to Great Leadership with Brian Walch
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Iteration is the key to lean thinking and especially to lean design and lean product development. Brian Walch uses iteration to develop individual contributors into managers and managers into leaders. He joined me at the Edges of Lean to share his approach and how he has developed it independently of the Lean community.
Brian Walch
Brian Walch is a coach, consultant, and personal and professional development speaker. He started Shiftfocus Coaching and Consulting company to support managers and address the need for more great managers in the world. Brian has developed the Integrated Life Framework, a tool that aids practical self-awareness and promotes personal and professional growth. This framework has been beneficial not only to himself but also to others seeking success in their lives.
Drawing on his expertise in people and systems, Brian develops effective tools and processes that drive change from within.
00:00:00 Iterating leadership development through iteration.
00:05:06 Moving into project management.
00:11:58 Adapting to Agile Methodologies.
00:13:28 Agile and Scrum approaches.
00:19:46 Self-reflection and learning.
00:26:35 Insights on organizational change.
00:33:15 Shifting from criticism to learning.
00:34:37 Learning through experience and respect.
00:38:19 Investing in emotional intelligence.
- Iteration is crucial for improving leadership skills, while reflection enables self-assessment and adjustment in leadership approaches.
- Breaking down leadership development into modules helps individuals focus on specific areas of gradual growth.
- Implementing a structured iteration cycle facilitates continuous learning and improvement in leadership skills.
- Reflection promotes self-awareness, identifies areas for development, and enhances leadership effectiveness.
- Embracing continuous learning is essential for evolving as a leader and inspiring others.
- Developing emotional intelligence is crucial for effective communication, decision-making, and relationship-building.
- Cultivating meaningful connections provides guidance, opportunities, and valuable insights.
- Understanding and working effectively with people is the key to success in any field.
- Recognizing the value of individuals fosters a culture of collaboration, trust, and learning.
- Developing interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence enhances effectiveness and promotes positive work environments.
Memorable Quotes From Brian Walch
“Remember that it is always about people, and you should invest in emotional intelligence and develop and maintain your relationships with people."
Website: https://www.shiftfocus.com/

Friday Mar 01, 2024
Ep 117Continuously Improving Leadership with DEI with Kevin Wayne Johnson
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are words that have become politically charged. Kevin Wayne Johnson is a student of leadership and a leadership coach. He believes that DEI is a core component of great leadership and that all organizations benefit from leaders who value diversity, understand equity, and practice inclusion. To me, what he says resonates with the core principles of lean leadership. He joined me at the Edges of Lean to share his experience and his insights with us.
Kevin Wayne Johnson
Kevin Wayne Johnson, Founder and CEO of The Johnson Leadership Group, is a powerhouse in leadership development and executive coaching. With over 25 years of diverse experience in administration, leadership, coaching, mentoring, and training, Johnson customizes learning experiences to enhance efficiency, growth, awareness, and effectiveness. He is an 8-time bestselling author. He is also a former Chief of Staff for the United States Department of Defense, Johnson boasts a distinguished 34-year career spanning government and private sectors. He has spearheaded workforce development, organizational change, acquisition/procurement, customer service, and more at the Department of Defense headquarters in Fort Meade, MD. Notably, Johnson's leadership was pivotal in national initiatives like the National Performance Review for Procurement and Customer Service Reform during the Clinton Administration.
0:03:38 - Kevin Wayne Johnson introduces himself and his career path
0:07:16 - Kevin shares examples of leadership in different cultures and the impact on people
0:10:54 - Discussion on the importance of listening and valuing others' input as a leader
0:14:32 - Definition and discussion of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
0:18:10 - The importance of diverse thoughts and opinions in decision-making
0:21:48 - The value of having a diverse team in meetings and decision-making
0:25:26 - Addressing the lack of diversity in a client's leadership team
0:29:04 - Approaching the conversation about diversity with a client
0:32:42 - The positive response when asking for different perspectives
- Diverse leadership cultivates innovation and better problem-solving by embracing varied perspectives and backgrounds.
- Fair treatment and equal opportunities are vital for creating an environment where all individuals can thrive, irrespective of their background.
- An inclusive environment, where everyone feels valued and heard, boosts morale and productivity by encouraging the best contributions from each person.
- Leadership with a servant's heart, characterized by respect, empathy, and compassion, sets a positive example for the team.
- Actively listening to team members fosters open communication and collaboration, signaling the value placed on their contributions.
- Embracing inclusive and participatory leadership approaches acknowledges the importance of diverse perspectives over traditional command and control methods.
- Addressing systemic barriers and biases within organizations is crucial for establishing equitable environments where everyone has an equal chance to succeed.
- Mentorship and coaching opportunities significantly enhance professional development for individuals starting their careers, aiding them in overcoming challenges effectively.
Memorable Quotes From Kevin Wayne Johnson
“Leadership with a servant's heart is about matching what we know with what's in our heart. It's about demonstrating respect, honor, value, empathy, and compassion as leaders.”
CONNECT WITH Kevin Wayne Johnson
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwaynejohnson
Website: https://thejohnsonleadershipgroup.com/